Sunday, June 15, 2014

My new toy

So for Mother's Day Colby completely took me by surprise and got me a Silouette! I've been keeping it busy and thought I'd share some projects I've been working on. 

A shirt for Colby's dad who turned 60 this year. 

Father's Day shirts for dad and Colby. 

And one for me :)
I finally got around to decorating my downstairs bathroom. I've had that big canvas forever and decided to painted it brown and add some vinyl to it. 

Some water bottles I made for the kids' summer basket. 

And finally some suckers I made for our primary kids to give to their dads for Father's Day. 


  1. Awesome! I seriously love all those shirts. I want one that says "stop talking, brain thinking" haha. I LOVE those water bottles too! So cute. You'll have to let me know how the vinyl holds up. Also, I made some super capes for Wes's old fashioned root beers that he got for Father's Day because you inspired me lol

  2. I wish I had one of those machines during my crafting days!! Marie, what does your shirt mean?
