Thursday, October 31, 2013

Coolest Teacher Costume...At Least I Think So

Halloween is such a fun, big, exciting thing for elementary students. And of course being a cool teacher and all I have to keep up by having a totally awesome costume. My students loved it and called me Ms. Frizzle all day. I probably had the coolest costume (out of the teachers).

For those of you who don't know who Ms. Frizzle
should! We watch the educational movie, The Magic
School Bus (staring Ms. Frizzle) all the time at school. She
has a fun way of taking her students on crazy field trips that
teach them about all types of science concepts. My students
and most students LOVE it.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Nap-time banana cookies

The weather outside today is especially gloomy. When we went on a trip to do my visiting teaching, me and kids almost froze our patooties off so I thought it must be a cookie-makin kind of day :).  Lyla was nice and has been taking a long nap so Mckay and I decided to make some cookies together. My sister in law who is like mostly vegan had been raving about these 2-ingredient cookies so I thought I would give em a shot. 

Here are the ingredients:
2 ripe bananas
1 cup quick oats (we only had old fashioned so we just chopped them a bit)
Handful of chocolate chips (ok so that's 3 ingredients but whatever)

Mckay had an absolute blast helping me smash bananas and mixing in the oats. But the ingredients should say several handfuls of chocolate chips because Mckay can only grab about 3 at a time haha.

Of course, many of the chocolate chips never made it to the cookies....

Into the oven they go at 350° for 15 minutes...


Then, you stuff!

They were actually pretty tasty little things and it makes me feel like I'm being healthy or something :). The best part was Mckay loved being able to help out because they were so simple. Yay for nap time! :)

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Halloween Shirts

I made the boys some shirts for Halloween and they kinda LOVE them! They go around everywhere quoting what is on their shirt: "Bad to the Bone" and "Beware, I bite" in case you can't see it. :)  They were being so cute and goofy for the camera. More and more lately they have really become best friends and I love it when they love each other! The other day I asked them if they were twins and they said yes. I asked them what twins were and Owen said, "Brothers!" and Jacob said, "Owen & Jacob!" Such funny boys.  Even though it's been almost 4 years, I still can't believe I really had twins. But I just can't imagine life without these two goofballs!!!

I love his "Mr. Cool" wanna be pose. 

And how Jacob doesn't even come close to pulling it off. :P

I could just eat them up!

50s Day

The kids celebrated the 50th day of school and got to dress up in 50s style. They were so excited! Cailyn used a poodle skirt that Mom had and Landon was pretty easy. I love the curl in his hair! But when I picked him up from school the first thing he said to me was, "The curl totally didn't work for me today Mom. So I just had to brush it to the side." Silly kid!

I love how Landon is "Mr. Cool" and Cailyn is "Miss Priss." :)

Monday, October 21, 2013

Hair Cut

Totally freaked out after I left the salon because my hair felt so freaking short!!! And after coming home and looking at it I discovered it was so freaking short...compared to what it used to be! I like it but it definitely was not what I expected.
Pretty sure she cut off more like 7 or 8 inches rather than the 4 to 5 I asked for.

Being Crafty While Off Track

School Fun...Yeah I'm a Pretty Cool Teacher

So we had this random dumb day where we went off track on a Tuesday. I felt like it was going to be a waste of a day with very few students. So I decided to bribe them to come to school for an "awesome activity". All but 1 showed up. The day started off with me explaining that my friends "Mr. and Mrs. Valentine", who I told the students the day before would be helping with our fun activity, had something bad happen last night. I told them that the police came and sectioned of an area in the classroom until they could determine what happened and that they could look but not cross the caution tape. This is what they saw when they came in....

They had fun being detectives and answering questions to help them determine what happened, "of course no violence" ;) Then they wrote a creative story about what they think happened last night.

Then we had some fun  with some fingerprinting 
activities. First we  took our own fingerprints and
determined what type of fingerprint we had. Then
we shared some of our fingerprints with our friends 
so they could determine our fingerprint type. 

Then they were able to brush cocoa powder on plastic covers to find the fingerprints that were already on them. And to top it off we watched The Great Mouse Detective. I'd say it was a success! 

Fun Married Activities

We bought this cool Disney picnic basket at a garage sell. It was fun to use it to picnic and read some books in the summer sun!

Then it was Fall pumpkin patch fun! Unfortunately the only picture of both of us turned out terrible...not sure what the dude was doing!