Friday, May 3, 2013

Zoo Day!

Here are some of our photos from our day at Hogle Zoo!  It was such a chilly day, but very fun!
Connor & Em in front of a monkey thing
The gang & some elephants

Tyler & Baby with a Rhino

Coco Bear & Emmy with the bears

Em with Connor - because she is tall as a giraffe according to Cailynn :)

Goodbye Hogle Zoo!
What a good time we all had!  It was so great to get out of the house and do something fun and active as a family.  Especially because it was our 2nd to last day with Em-ster!


  1. awe that looks like you had a ton of fun...and oh my goodness, that picture of connor walking and holding your hands is RIDICULOUSLY cute!!

  2. i think it is so awesome you guys were able to take a few days off of work to spend time with emilee! what fun memories. :)

  3. I agree Marie. Unforgettable moments :) I agree Erika, that pic is awesome. Connor is such a little stud muffin!!!!

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