Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Projects of late...Plus our baby girl gets a name :)

A few weeks ago Mom sent me some awesome jersey knit fabric that we spotted in Hobby Lobby when I was there for Meagan's wedding. I used it to make a nursing shawl, and then had plenty left over to make a cute little dress/shirt for baby girl. I love when the ideas I have in my head actually turn out pretty cute (I mean picture this on a hopefully chubby girl with gray leggings...how can I not smile haha) :) I cannot wait for this little girl to arrive! Only 7 more weeks :).

A few weeks back in Hobby Lobby, I also met a girl who started a conversation with me about my diaper bag, and said she had too just moved from Texas not long ago and she loved to sew.  She told me we should get together to sew sometime because all the sewing groups she went to were with old ladies who had equally old style tastes lol.  I finally called her up, went to her house to sew, and she had this amazing embroidery machine and helped me make some of these cute bibs :).  Plus Keisha and I are planning to sew again sometime. Yay for new friends!

Yup!! We decided that our little girl's name is Lyla :). We are certain, so we thought it was time to share!


  1. HOORAY FOR A NAME!!!! I love it! Em told me she knew what it was, but wouldn't spill the beans. I'm glad that you didn't make me wait 7 more weeks to find out!

  2. i love that you made a friend in hobby lobby. :) cute stuff. little lyla is gonna be the best dressed girl around!
