Sunday, May 12, 2013

Mother's Day Shopping

So I know that I already posted one of these pictures on facebook, but my new chair is so pretty I thought I would post a picture of just it as well :).  I'm soooo excited! I thought for our budget we were only going to find like the most hideous disaster of a recliner rocker but I looove my new chair! I'm warming it up for little baby girl :).

So Mckay loved the furniture place we bought the chair at because they brought him a huge red balloon, and then he got to pick out a free stuffed exclamation mark (their logo).  He adores that dumb thing and hauls it around calling it his Squishy :).  He also tries to push me out of my recliner every time I'm sitting there to claim the seat as his own haha.


  1. I think that your new baby will like the recliner. :)

  2. That boy cracks me up!! Love the chair! Soooooo nice to have a comphy chair to nurse in!
