Sunday, February 10, 2013

Happy Birthday to ME!

What a fun day! Warm Bodies, Olive Garden, designing hair for the wedding, fondue party, and Merlin! 25 isn't so bad :)

Parmesan cheese fondue with pretzels, french bread, and steamed broccoli and cauliflower. YUM! Also strawberries with fruit dip. 
Yes, this was delicious! Oh and check out our cool drinks with pop rocks around the edge. (cherry coke with strawberry pop rocks)


  1. Birthdays are more fun with someone you love :)

  2. nice bowls! You should have invited us over... it looks like you made too much lol

  3. oh my goodness that looks amazing. It's 7:30 in the morning and that could not sound more delicious right now :) lol. You guys are so cute!
