a few weeks ago Connor and I went to California! (I know you all know
that) I thought that it was time to share some of the adventures that we
had while we were there! He did so well in the car, I was so impressed by how good he was.
Connor & his Grandma Jensen |
We went to the Huntington Beach Farmers Market with my family one night. That's one of my favorite things to do when I'm in California. They have live music and other entertainment and of course my favorite, lots of good food!
Connor with Papa |
We went to visit Grandma & Papa in Murrieta too! Papa was holding Connor one morning and said, "let's go for a drive." Then he got up and walked away. I thought . . . how come he didn't ask me to come . . . then Connor came cruisin' in the living room on Lightning McQueen. I can see another Cars lover in our family. :)
also got to take his very first bath in a big boy tub when he was at
Grandma & Papa's. He liked it so much that when we got home and I
tried putting him in his infant tub he threw a fit. I guess he's just
ready to be a big boy.
met his California cousins. I loved that the twins had such opposite
reactions. Owen loved "the baby" and loved to touch him and give him
loves. Jacob liked "the baby" a lot less. When Mommy started to hold
Connor, I'm pretty sure that Jacob started screaming. It was pretty
funny. I love that in this photo Jacob is trying to get as far away from
Connor as possible.
went to Big Corona! It was so fun. The water was too cold for Connor,
but it was nice and hot for us laying out on the sand! He was so cute in that sun hat! He hated that thing though.
It was nice to get away for a little bit, but boy were we happy to go home! We both missed Daddy so much.