Sunday, August 26, 2012

We Shall Be Mountaineers

Last weekend Tyler & I decided that we should do something outdoorsey.  We went on a hike to Secret Lake up Cottonwood Canyon.  Connor, as usual, did awesome. 
I love how easy this kid is.

I love that Tyler loves being a Daddy and loves doing daddy things
 like carrying his baby on his shoulders. It's SO cute!

 We saw 3 moose when we were there.  A mama and her twins.  
We stayed far away from them, that's why they look like ants. :)

I forgot how much I loved going on hikes. 
 Summer is the best. 


  1. We all knew Tyler would make a GREAT dad!! It's nice to see him in action! I love it dads carry their children on their shoulders :) I just can't believe how adorable ALL my grand kids are!!

  2. love the father/son pics, so sweet!!! glad you guys got to have a fun family outing. :)
