So I found this really cool cardigan at the mall! I love Dr. Who stuff! If it actually fit me and wasn't gigantic I totally would have bought it because it is so cool!

We had so much fun overnight babysitting Connor. Tyler and Jessica spent the night away for their anniversary and we got to play house with this crazy, cute kid! My favorite part was how confused this kid was in the morning. He wasn't quiet awake and neither were we since we're not use to an early alarm on Saturday mornings, so we put him in bed with us for a bit. It took him like 5 minutes to realize that we weren't his parents. As soon as he figured that out he got all shy and with a tiny giggle waved good morning at Taylor. It was pretty cute!
Totally reminds me of Emilee and salsa!!! |
I love this silly kid and am glad I get to live so close. |

So, my car got hit by a flying object on the way to work. It scared the living daylights out of me! The first thing I did was call my husband while balling my brains out. Yeah, he got freaked out because I couldn't really explain things well between sobs! What happened was a landscape company was working along the side of the road and right as I passed them something hit my passenger window HARD! It sounded like a gunshot! Glass ended up on my seat and in my driver's side door panel. Luckily I didn't get cut! It was possibly the worst day to be late to work but I felt so blessed by the way things worked out.

The guys edging and mowing were big, fat JERKS! I couldn't believe how rude they were to me. They acted like it was my fault the window broke and there was not possible way they could have caused it. Luckily their manager was a little more reasonable and was willing to pay for it to be fixed. AND it actually was able to be fixed later that day which was amazing. You know, crap happens sometimes but the Lord is always looking out for us!