Saturday, January 25, 2014

Some pillows .... And a tough kid!

So my kids kinda love all the pillow cases I've made them. And it's been good sewing practice for me, too. :) After the Halloween & Christmas ones, we decided to make some they could use year-round. So I put on my brave pants and took all four kids to Joann's to pick out some material. Not gonna lie, I wanted to pull my hair out once or twice, but overall it wasn't too traumatic.
Landon was very adamant about having a soft flannel material for his. The Angry Birds Star Wars was just a bonus. ;)

Owen really wanted a space one but other than that didn't care too much what else there was.

Jacob was insistent that he have brown in his trim. I'd originally picked out navy and orange but he would NOT let that happen!

Cailyn was the easiest. She picked all her stuff out on her own.

 And now on to some other business.  It's probably no shock that Owen is turning into my most difficult child EVER! He is stubborn and vocal and independent and quick to anger and does not play well with the other kids. Or at least not when they try to boss him around. ;) I seriously need to get him this shirt because it is Owen to a tee!

So more and more lately I've had to remove him from playing with the other kids for a while till he can calm down. Sometimes he's happy to spend some one-on-one time with me.

 Other times, not so much. :P

But even though he may give me a serious eye twitch at the end of each day, he still never fails to crack me up! His latest thing is changing clothes many times throughout the day, usually putting on multiple shirts and pants at once. (Reminds me of the Friends episode -- Could I BE wearing any more clothes?) 
The other day I was making some grilled cheese sandwiches for dinner and the next thing I knew Owen was spreading his blanket on the floor and had gotten himself a plate and sippy cup of water and asked if he could have a picnic with his grilled cheese. I thought the glasses -- indoors, at night -- was a great touch. :)
Oh man, this kid is giving me a run for my money!


  1. OMG! Owen! I remember Erika totally not getting along with you kids!! Just thinking about it still gives me a serious twitch in my eye! Hahahaha. So did you let Cailyn sew her own pillowcase???? If should have ��

  2. Haha...of my Owen friend!!! He such a funny kid that makes me laugh. I don't envy your "I don't play well with others" situation. And sorry to say but that picture of him having a meltdown totally makes me laugh!!!
