The weather outside today is especially gloomy. When we went on a trip to do my visiting teaching, me and kids almost froze our patooties off so I thought it must be a cookie-makin kind of day :). Lyla was nice and has been taking a long nap so Mckay and I decided to make some cookies together. My sister in law who is like mostly vegan had been raving about these 2-ingredient cookies so I thought I would give em a shot.
Here are the ingredients:
2 ripe bananas
1 cup quick oats (we only had old fashioned so we just chopped them a bit)
Handful of chocolate chips (ok so that's 3 ingredients but whatever)
Mckay had an absolute blast helping me smash bananas and mixing in the oats. But the ingredients should say several handfuls of chocolate chips because Mckay can only grab about 3 at a time haha.
Of course, many of the chocolate chips never made it to the cookies....
Into the oven they go at 350° for 15 minutes...
Then, you stuff!
They were actually pretty tasty little things and it makes me feel like I'm being healthy or something :). The best part was Mckay loved being able to help out because they were so simple. Yay for nap time! :)