Saturday, March 23, 2013

Fake St Patty's Day

Since I was gone last Sunday on actual st Patrick's day, I surprised Wes and Mckay with a little celebration a week early. We didn't do anything special (so next year my kids can't tell me last years st Patrick's day was way better Marie haha), I just got some fun festive plates and decorations at the dollar tree and made green waffles for breakfast. Wes always talked about how his mom would make a gallon of green milk when he was little and nobody ever drank it cause it freaked them out so of course we also had to have green milk :) and Mckay thought it was SO cool! And then of course we had some delicious corned beef and cabbage for dinner.

1 comment:

  1. I think every holiday you and Marie should do our best food ideas, post them and let the rest of us judge who's the best :)
