Saturday, March 23, 2013

Enter the underpants!

So this weekend marks the beginning of Mckay's potty adventure and I have to say it hasn't been terrible! We went to the store last night and he picked out a cars potty chair, Thomas train underwear, juice boxes, and some special potty treats. We watched the bear in the big blue house potty episode which he loved and took his last diaper off. He was very excited to sit on the potty although didn't really understand how to pee for quite sometime. He's probably gone through 30 pairs of underwear already, but after his nap he actually has peed a LOT in the toilet. He is seriously loving how excited we get and I'm anxious to see how the rest of the weekend goes :) wish us luck!

I cannot believe what a big boy my little baby has turned into! He'll be a big brother soon enough :) I just love seeing all the progress he makes in his young life!

We told Mckay to show wes his Thomas, but because it was on his butt, he couldn't quite find it and ended up looking like a dog chasing his tail :)

So Wes snapped this pic and I died of laughter, so although inappropriate I absolutely had to post it.  It's covered in all the right places haha. I'm sure it will pop up on a wedding video for Mckay down the road :)

Fake St Patty's Day

Since I was gone last Sunday on actual st Patrick's day, I surprised Wes and Mckay with a little celebration a week early. We didn't do anything special (so next year my kids can't tell me last years st Patrick's day was way better Marie haha), I just got some fun festive plates and decorations at the dollar tree and made green waffles for breakfast. Wes always talked about how his mom would make a gallon of green milk when he was little and nobody ever drank it cause it freaked them out so of course we also had to have green milk :) and Mckay thought it was SO cool! And then of course we had some delicious corned beef and cabbage for dinner.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

T-shirt recycled skirt

So I was in my sewing room the other day trying to revamp this skirt I wanted to wear to Meagan's wedding, only to realize it had a huge stain on it. I wanted to sew, and Mckay needed a tie for the wedding so I whipped this clip on bow tie up.

Now, after all this, it was time to do dishes, so naturally I got distracted with this old ripped teal turtle neck I used to wear in my fabric scraps.  Because it was jersey knit, the turtle neck part of the shirt would be perfect for a little girls skirt top that folds over. I found this other old cream t-shirt in that pile, and an hour later no dishes were done, but this was! :) haha. It can either be a tube dress to go on top of a onesie or a skirt when folded over. First thing I consciously made for little baby girl O'Neal :)!

The color is off in the pictures. It's a much lighter teal color, but photoshop decided to make a pregnant lady angry and not open so what can you do? :)

Saturday, March 2, 2013

The wildlife experience

So there's this huge building just about 5 minutes down the road from our house called the wildlife experience and since the day we moved here we have wanted to go, but because we were unsure how lame/cool it would be, we didn't want to pay $10 a piece to find out. Today they had an event for early childhood development and entrance was only $2 including the museum!! Since Mckay was free, we enjoyed an awesome morning for under 5 bucks!! The childhood development event in the great hall was so much fun for Mckay with lots of stickers, stations, toys, and obstacle courses. And the museum? AWESOME!! It was like a sweet indoor zoo but with stuffed animals. Some of them even moved and made sounds-the place was so cool. We had a lot of fun. Unfortunately, all of the sweet exhibit areas were off limits for cameras, so you don't get to see the awesomeness, but trust me it was fun :).

Friday, March 1, 2013

I've gotten into a good routine lately with grocery shopping.  I head to Winco every Tuesday after I drop the twins off at preschool.  It's soooo much easier to go shopping without those two! :P  I love that Landon gets to go with me and gets to spend some one-on-one time with me.  And he is such a great helper!

He keeps track of our spending on the ipod, making sure we don't go over budget. :)

 He's pretty dang good at convincing me to get a special treat on each trip.

His favorite part is helping to bag the groceries.  He loves to be in charge of the conveyor belt button.

We've only been doing this for a month so far but it's been great.  I love spending a little time with Landon.  I am so not looking forward to the summer when I have to take ALL the kids with me. :P