Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Owen & Jacob and the Kitty Cat

Today while Owen & Jacob were playing out in the backyard a little cat decided to jump up on our fence and tease them.  He walked up and down the length of the fence and the twins kept following and shouting to him, "Come here, Kitty!"  They went at this for a good 15 minutes.  Owen came inside asking me to help him get the kitty and when I went out I saw that the cat had jumped into our yard and Jacob was slowing walking behind it to try and pet it.  Of course, when Owen saw that the cat was at ground level he let out a huge squeal and went running across the yard to it.  Which caused the cat to jump on the fence again.  :P

I was able to coax the kitty down again and the boys were LOVING that cat!  They were so cute with it and wanted to touch it and pick it up and love it.  And I think the cat was happy to have some attention, too.  :)


  1. That put such a big smile on my face!! But as I was watching the video I kept having flashbacks of the year we had several strays have babies in our yard and we were stuck with a few litters of kittens!! It seemed awesome.........for a brief moment that is :) Marie were you there for that or were you at college?

  2. That was so cute! I love it! Those boys are so stinking adorable. I can't believe how big they are... I can't wait to see everyone.
