Thursday, November 1, 2012


We had so much fun on Halloween this year!!!  The kids had crazy hair day at school and their hair was pretty crazy, let me tell you.

We teased and teased and teased Cailyn's hair and hair sprayed the heck out of it.  Then we used some spray-in white for an extra crazy touch.  I told her she looked like Albert Einstein.  She said, "Who?!"  :)  On Wednesdays both me and Cailyn get to work in Landon's class.  When Cailyn came in she had a bunch of candy in her "nest" cuz her teacher kept putting it in there.

Landon's hair was blue, blue, blue!  He reminded me of Caeser Flickerman.  :)

Cailyn and Landon had a hard time figuring out costumes.  When I happened to mention that I was a crayon one year Cailyn jumped on it.  Luckily Mom keeps EVERYTHING and still had these costumes Tyler and I wore!  I need to dig out the old photo of us in the costumes.  :)

Owen and Jacob used some old costumes of Landon's.  For trunk-or-treat last week Owen was Nemo and Jacob was Buzz.  But last night they decided to switch.  These boys were so much fun to take trick-or-treating.  Owen was especially animated and excited.  They sure kept Mom and me entertained.  :)


  1. Oh my gosh I TOTALLY thought Cailyn was wearing a wig! That is amazing.

  2. Oh and those crayons are so awesome. I think I always wanted to wear one. Lucky kids. Jacob and Owen are also freakin could they not be? :)
