Friday, December 13, 2013

Gingerbread houses

don't know about anyone else, but this Christmas season seems to be going by WAY too quickly! We normally do lots of Christmas activities with the kids but just haven't done as much this year. Well last night we decided sort of last minute to make some gingerbread houses. Landon and I headed to winco for all our supplies and then we all got to work. We had such a great time together and it was so nice to put our busy lives on pause and just enjoy the moment and make some memories. 

Owen was very artistic with his house. Everything was symmetrical and most everything was done in patterns. He just kept saying over and over again "I'm so excited!" And he was the bounciest of all the kids, too!

Jacob ate the most candy while working on his house (is that really any surprise?!). While working on the roof, he would put a handful of mini M&Ms in his mouth, then one on the house, then some in his mouth, and one on the house. :)

I gave Cailyn her graham crackers and a bag of icing and she went to town! She knocked out her house all by herself so quickly and added all kinds of creative touches -- icicles, pathways, snowmen, people, sleds, etc.

Landon was the SLOWEST! He was too busy talking or goofing off and couldn't sit still long enough. But he worked on his the longest and he was sooooo happy with his house. :)

And of course our elf, Kevin, had to get in on the action, too!

Monday, December 9, 2013


Saturday night was our ward christmas party. The kids were so excited to see Santa! He came into the cultural hall after dinner and a few kids ran up and hugged him and Jacob asked if he could go hug Santa. I told him no, we'd get to see him and take a picture with him in a bit. So we waited in line for like, forever, and then finally it was our turn to go into the room he was in. The first thing Jacob shouts is "Look, there's a mommy santa!" referring to Mrs. Clause. So we're waiting for the family in front of us to finish and the kids are getting excited. When it's our turn, we start walking towards the Clause's and I have Jacob's hand. About 5 feet from them, Jacob hits this invisible brick wall and is rooted to the spot -- won't come one step closer to the couple in red. So the other kids are talking with Santa, sitting with him, telling him what they want for Christmas while Mrs. Clause and I try to bribe Jacob closer with a candy cane. No way, no how. That kid is not moving. Ok, so I take a quick pic of the other kids and as they start to get off Santa's lap, Jacob suddenly wants to see Santa! No problem, I sit him on Santa's lap. But the kid will not look at me as a try to take a pic. His gaze is fixed on the ground in front of him. He tells me "No, I just can't look up." Okay, whatever, I snap a pic anyway. Meanwhile, Santa is trying to engage him, asking him what he wants for Christmas and suddenly Jacob is a mute child. Won't make a peep! So I pull him off Santa's lap and as we are walking towards the door he turns around and shouts "A dinosaur for Christmas!" Oh my word, what a funny little kid!  These kids never fail to entertain me!