Family scripture time is one of those things that we do as a family because we are supposed to, but honestly sometimes it feels like a waste of time. The kids are always rambunctious, doing somersaults on the floor, climbing on chairs, fighting over who gets to do what or sit where, and just being loud. Often time we have to shout to be heard over them! But every once in a while I'm reminded why it is we persist.
A few days ago we were reading about the apostles after Jesus died and how they had the priesthood and used it to heal others. I talked with Landon about how he would get the priesthood when he turned 12. It was about a 30 second talk before we moved on.
A couple days later I was driving with him in the car when he randomly asked me, "When boys get older (like dads) will they still have the priesthood?" I was just shocked that he'd actually remembered something from scripture study and I decided to use it as a teaching moment. I told him that as long as boys choose the right they will always have the priesthood no matter how old they are. Then I asked him if he knows what you can do with the priesthood. I said, "Can you think of anything special that daddy's can do but that mommy's can't do?"
He paused for a moment and I could see the wheels turning in his head. Then finally his face lit up and he shouted, "Build things!!!" :)
I did go on to set him straight but I still loved his answer. :)